Series Phone
Configuration and Operation Manual
Copyright 2012 Talk-A-Phone Co.
• 7530 North Natchez Avenue • Niles, Illinois 60714 • Phone 773.539.1100 • [email protected] • www.talkaphone.com.
All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Talk-A-Phone, Scream Alert, WEBS and WEBS Contact are registered trademarks of Talk-A-Phone Co. All rights reserved.
++ Gateway = (Default)
++ DNSServerIP = (Default blank)
++ Note : NetworkMode = 3 (Static) should not applied in bulk update.
++ If applied then all phones will have same Network
++ Settings.
NetworkMode = 3
IPAddress =
Netmask =
Gateway =
DNSServerIP =
++ Field name : Hostname
++ Description : It configures the unique indetifier of the phone at
++ network level
++ Valid Values : 30 chars long, a-z,A-Z,*,0-9,.,-, No space allowed.
++ Default Value is VOIP-500.
++ Note : This Parameter should not be applied in bulk update.
++ If applied then all phones will have same hostname.
Hostname = VOIP-500
++ Field name : LogRedirection
++ Field name : LogServerIP
++ Field name : LogServerPort
++ Description : Admin can enable the logging, and route to specific
++ location.
++ Valid values : LogRedirection = 0 - To Disable Logging
++ LogRedirection = 1 - To Console
++ LogRedirection = 2 - To Network
++ LogRedirection = 3 - To File (Append)(Default Value)
++ LogRedirection = 4 - To File (New)
++ Note : If LogRedirection = 2 must configure LogServerIP &
++ LogServerPort
++ Example:
++ LogRedirection = 2
++ LogServerIP =
++ LogServerPort = 514
LogRedirection = 3
LogServerIP =
LogServerPort =
++ Field name : LogLevel
++ Description : Admin can configure the log levels of following modules
++ of EVP
++ a. AudioLogLevel - For Audio Module
++ b. CallControlLogLevel - For Call Control Module