Instrument Operating Manual
CyFlow® Cube 8 Rev-27_2015-07-02
Sysmex Partec GmbH
Am Flugplatz 13, 02828 Görlitz, Germany · Phone +49 3581 8746-0 · Fax +49 3581 8746-70 · [email protected] ·
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Instrument/Measurement Settings
There are 3 different possible modes available: The “PRIME” mode for a
priming/initialization process, the
“WORK” mode for measurements and the “CLEAN”
mode for cleaning of the system.
Prime, Work and Clean mode
Priming / Initialization process
There is a PRIME mode available as a Start Up process for the CUBE instrument. This
process includes cleaning, filling the tubes with sheath fluid and control of the instrument
set up. If a new original CFG-file will be loaded the PRIME mode is always selected. User
defined configuration files can start in PRIME or WORK mode, depend on the status
during saving.
In the following cases the PRIME mode should be performed:
Starting the instrument for the first time
Daily initialization
After the sheath fluid bottle was filled
As trouble-shooting procedure (no/bad signals, blocking, etc.)
To start the priming/initialization process, please follow the instructions below:
Open a configuration file and select the initialization modus by clicking on the
Initialization batch symbol (Sysmex Partec Master Cfg-file: Prime mode is pre-set).
If you will perform the daily check-
up please select the “Calibration Beads”
configuration-file. Only in this configuration file you will find the correct settings for
the calibration beads. These settings are crucial for a correct verification of the
instrument performance.
Initialization batch, Work batch and Clean batch