IPC/RSL8xxx-XxxxE: user documentation
© Syslogic Datentechnik AG, Switzerland, http://www.syslogic.com
Manufacturer Information
Our distributors and system integrators will gladly give you any information about our
products and their use. If you want to contact the manufacturer directly, please send an email
message containing a short description of your application and your request to the following
address or use one of the information or technical support request forms on our internet
Syslogic Datentechnik AG, Switzerland
Technical support:
Our products are covered by a world-wide manufacturer
s warranty. The warranty period starts
at the delivery time from our official distributor to the customer. The duration of the warranty
period is specified in the respective product catalogs and the offers. All products carry a job
number for identification. The manufacturing data and deliveries are registered in a high level
Quality Management System.
The warranty covers material and manufacturing defects. All products must be returned via the
official distributor to the factory for repair or replacement. The warranty expires immediately if
the products are damaged of operation outside of the specified recommended operating
conditions. The warranty also expires if the date code or job number listed on the product is
altered or rendered unintelligible. The warranty does not include damage due to errors in
firmware or software delivered with the products.
RMA Service
Syslogic offers a Return Material Authorization process to simplify handling of devices that
needs to be returned to the manufacturer. Please follow the instructions on our web page:
to get best service.