IPC/RSL8xxx-XxxxE: user documentation
© Syslogic Datentechnik AG, Switzerland, http://www.syslogic.com
The operating environment must guarantee the environmental parameters (temperature, power
supply, etc.) specified in the technical specification section of the product manuals.
The main functionality of the RSL8 system is defined by the application programs running on
the processor board. The application programs are not part of the delivery by Syslogic but are
defined, developed and tested by the customer or a system-integrator for each specific
application. Refer to the respective documentation for more information.
Maintenance and Repair
The IPC system features error- and malfunction-detection circuitry. Diagnostic information
gathered is transferred to the applications software where it can be used. In the rare case of a
module hardware-failure or malfunction, the complete system should be exchanged. The faulty
system must be returned to the factory for repair. Please use whenever possible the original
packing for return of the product (EMI and mechanical protection).
At the end of the lifespan the RSL8 products must be properly disposed. SL8 products contain
a multitude of elements and must be disposed like computer parts. Some of the SL8 products
contain batteries which should be properly disposed.