WiseScript Package Editor Reference
Creating WiseScript Installations
Data Type
Select the type of data contained in the named value.
The associated Windows API data types are in parentheses below.
(REG_SZ) Identifies the value as an expandable string. To include a
Windows system variable, enclose it in double percent signs. For example,
Unexpanded string
(REG_EXPAND_SZ) Identifies the value as a string that contains unexpanded
references to environment variables that are expanded when the value is
retrieved. Enclose the environment variables in single percent signs. For
example, %PATH%.
If you do not want the variable to be expanded, enclose it in double percent
signs. For example, %%WIN%%. This allows Windows system variables to
be embedded.
Multiple strings
(REG_MULTI_SZ) Identifies the value as a series of null-terminated strings.
Type the value as multiple pieces of text and press Ctrl+Enter after each
Double word
(REG_DWORD) Identifies the value as a 32-bit number in decimal notation.
(REG_BINARY) Identifies the value as a binary in hexadecimal notation.
Separate each byte by at least one space, like the following example:
AD 30 C0 A9 40 20 A8 FC 4C 00 08
This option is provided for compatibility with SMS Installer installations. It
behaves the same as the binary data type.
Repair application if this registry value is missing
Self-repair prevents an application from failing if this registry value has
accidentally been deleted. Mark this check box to start self-repair if this registry
value is missing when the application starts. The end user must have access to
the installation media to perform a repair, and you must also configure a
shortcut to the application with self-repair turned on.
Using Self-Repair
on page 30.
Append Data
Normally, if you set a registry key to a new value and the key already exists, the
value is replaced with the new value. If you want to append the new data to an
existing multiple strings value instead of replacing it, mark this check box. This
option is unavailable unless Multiple Strings is selected in the Data Type
drop-down list.
4. Click OK.
See also:
Creating or Editing Registry Key Settings
on page 67
on page 66
Edit Registry
on page 153