WiseScript Package Editor Reference
Using Script Editor
The script that’s executed when the installation is complete, or when an Exit
Installation script command is executed. If you create a user-defined action, you
store its custom dialog box here.
Creating a User-Defined Action
on page 29.
The script that’s executed when the end user cancels the installation. Because some
files might already be installed when the end user cancels, the Cancel script
contains the include script, rollback.wse, which returns the destination computer to
its pre-installation state.
Include Scripts
Include scripts are added to an installation with an Include Script action.
Include Script
on page 92.
Scripts can be included either in the main installation script or in other include scripts. At
run time, include scripts are run when the Include Script action that references them is
encountered. For each Include Script action in a script, a new tab appears at the bottom
of the Installation Script pane.
In WiseScript Package Editor, mark the Show Tabs for Wise Include Scripts check
box in Preferences to show tabs for Wise include scripts.
Setting Preferences
on page 26.
Include scripts can help save time in developing installations, because you can develop a
library of WiseScripts that perform very specific functions. You can re-use these
specialized scripts in future installations and easily share them with colleagues.
(WiseScript Package Editor only) By default, all scripts based on the Empty Project
template on the New Installation File dialog box contain two include scripts: rollback.wse
and uninstal.wse. The rollback.wse script is in the Cancel event script and is executed if
the end user cancels the installation after it starts. If the end user chooses to back up
replaced files, this script will roll the destination computer back to its pre-installation
state. The uninstal.wse script adds uninstall support to each new installation.
VBScripts are added to an installation with an Execute VBScript action.
Execute VBScript
on page 78.
VBScripts can be included either in the main installation script or in include scripts. At
run time, VBScripts are run when the Execute VBScript action that references them is
encountered. For each Execute VBScript action in a WiseScript, a new tab appears at the
bottom of the Installation Script pane. When you click this tab, a VBScript window
Editing a VBScript
on page 79.
By adding VBScripts, you can greatly expand the functionality of WiseScripts because
you can use all the scripting capabilities of VBScript (example: arrays and subfunctions).
Adding VBScripts can also save you time because you can use scripts that others have