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Display: Image Control
BLC (Back Light Compensation) Level:
If “Back Light” has been enabled, you
will see this option available. Click the drop down menu to select the level of
back light compensation that you would like to apply. Some experimentation
is recommended to select the best settings.
3D Noise Reduction:
This function will reduce the overall noise content for
recordings done at night or in lower light conditions. In most circumstances,
the default selection will be suitable for most camera locations but can be
adjusted if needed:
Click the drop down menu and select “Manual”. Click and hold the
slider left or right to change. Just be aware that setting the value too high,
can result in a “trailing” effect (also known as motion blur) on moving objects
appearing on-screen.
WDR (Wide Dynamic Range):
This function will balance out images that have
a large dynamic range. It does this by brightening dark areas and darken-
ing bright areas. An example of this situation would be if an indoor camera
is pointing towards a window or building entrance. The image produced by
the camera during the day would be extremely washed out due to the high
brightness of the incoming light. If the camera is mounted in a location where
this is required, click the drop down menu to enable.
AGC (Automatic Gain Control):
This function allows an increase in sensitivity,
enabling operation in lower light conditions. The camera will automatically
boost the gain control so that objects can be seen more clearly. Click the drop
down menu to select a level of control that you would like to apply.
(continued on next page)
Don’t forget to click “Save”
to apply settings.
Click the “Close” button to
exit the Main Menu.
09/05/2017 04:30:15 PM
Front Yard