SVANTEK 977W User Manual
8.9.3. Setting of support modem options - Modem Connection
Modem Connection
enables the user to configure several
supporting options required by 3G
modem to establish internet connection.
More about this option is written in
Note: For connection with SvanNET server the positions in the Modem list should be set on default
values as is shown on the screen-shots abowe and below.
Modem Connection
window contains the following positions:
Server Address
– allows the user to enter up to 32 characters of either IP
or domain address, where the registration data will be sent during the
registration process (
Data Protocol: TCP S
) or to which the
modem will connect to (
Data Protocol: TCP C)
. By default, the server
address is
and all other settings, presented in this
chapter, are default settings, which enabled the connection with the
SvanNET server.
Data Port
– allows the user to enter up to 5 characters for the port number.
This number denotes a port on which a communication socket will be
configured for data exchange between remote host and the station.
Registration Port
– allows the user to enter up to 5 characters for the port
number. This number denotes a port on which a communication socket will
be configured to transmit registration packet (Register Mode: On) or
exchange Http data (Register Mode: AS or SMT. AS).
– allows the user to enter up to 20 characters of APN name of the
SIM card used with the modem.
APN User
– allows the user to enter up to 20 characters of user name
used for verification by the SIM card used with the modem.
APN Password
– allows entering up to 20 characters of password used
for verification by the SIM card used with the modem.
DNS Server
– allows the user to enter up to 15 characters of IP address
of DNS server used for establishing connection with the internet. In most
cases, leaving the default value of “” will be sufficient, but some SIM
cards may require a specific address to be entered.
DynDns Address
DynDns Hostname
DynDns Login
DynDns Password
- allow the user to define the server and login
information when using DynDNS service in case of dynamic IP address.