Rev. 2.4
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© 2014 Suzo-Happ Group
Bill™ 300XE
Unplug power from unit before performing any of the procedures described in this manual
(with the exception of using the validator head cleaning card)
Ensure all work is performed with an anti-static grounding hand strap to ensure no damage is
done to the electronic components inside
Do not scratch any of the lenses in the unit
Do not apply excessive force when cleaning the lenses
Do not apply any liquids directly on unit, apply onto micro-fiber cloth instead
All operations must be performed by a trained and qualified operator
Any disassembly not performed according to this manual voids
manufacturer’s warranty
The unit displayed in this manual may vary from the unit being serviced due to different available
configurations. The main modules, however, are the same
- A side note pertaining to the particular module or operation
- A warning, steps that must be taken to avoid injury to the operator and/or damage to the
Revision History
Aug. 30, 2011
Rev. 0
M. Bruhanov Original Release
Jan. 31, 2014
Rev. 1
M. Bruhanov Added DIP SW8 Description
– Ch. 4.1
Feb. 13, 2014
Rev. 2
M. Bruhanov
Added A, B and C group reference, ownership
Feb. 13, 2014
Rev. 2.1
M. Bruhanov Corrected BPD Maintenance Chart
Apr. 03, 2014
Rev. 2.2
M. Bruhanov
Clarification of groups A, B and C / Piston position
May 29, 2014
Rev. 2.3
M. Bruhanov
Troubleshooting 4.1. 5); 5, paragraph 1, change
chapter 6 to 7; 6 paragraph 1 change chapter 6 to 7
Nov 10, 2014
Rev. 2.4
R. DSouza
Updated sections 9.1 and 9.4