Bringing the Benefits of Real-Time Data Collection to the World
Sutron Corporation, 22400 Davis Drive, Sterling, Virginia 20164-4444
where a is the address character, XB is the extended command to measure the
break detect time.
Returns: adr where d is the break detect time and r is the break reset time
The break detect time should be between 6.5 and 8.5 milliseconds and the break reset time should be less
than 1 millisecond.
Test Analog output
where a is the address character, XAT is the extended command to test the
analog output, v is the maximum value to output, and n is the number of
times to repeat the cycle.
It ramps the analog output down from the value indicated by v to 0 and then repeats the process n times.
The output signal when observed with an oscilloscope will be a saw tooth wave form when the analog
output is working properly. The valid range for v is 0 to 4095. The valid range for n is 0 to 255. Note:
This command can only be issued over the RS-232 interface. If issued over the SDI-12 interface it will be
ignored. Note: A value of 0 for v will produce a zero volt signal while a value of 4095 will produce a saw-
tooth waveform that starts slightly above 5 volts and ramps to zero.
Typical maintenance for the sensor consists of checking the wiring to make sure it is not corroded or frayed,
checking the tubing to make sure it is intact and leak-free, and checking or setting the elevation offset.
Maintenance should be performed at least every 6 months in order to insure that the sensor meets the
accuracy specifications.