Confi guring the LSI MegaRAID Settings
To Force a Drive Online or Offl ine
If a drive has gone offl ine due to power outage or other reasons, you can
use the Objects Menu to force it online. You can also force a drive in a
redundant array offl ine, so a hotspare drive can automatically replace it.
Please note that an auto rebuild will begin immediately when the LSI Mega-
RAID fi nds an available hotspare drive to replace the drive that is offl ine.
From the LSI MegaRAID Main Menu, select Objects and press <Enter>.
When the Objects submenu appears, select Physical Drive and press <En-
When the screen of all available Physical Drives appears as shown on the
bottom of Page 2-21, using the arrow keys to select the drive you wish to
force online or offl ine and press <Enter>.
A screen with Confi guration Setting Options for the drive you selected will
appear. Using the arrow keys, select Online or Offl ine and Press <Enter>. If
you have selected Offl ine and pressed <Enter>, a screen similar to the one
shown below will appear.
Select Yes to proceed with the confi guration. Select No to cancel the selec-