Chapter 3: RAID Confi guration
Deleting a Hotspare Disk Drive
1. From the Array Confi guration Utility Main Menu, select "Manage Arrays" and
press <Enter>.
2. In the "List of Arrays" dialogue box (on the right), select the Hotspare array
you wish to delete and press <Ctrl> and <S> simultaneously.
3. The "Hotspares" dialogue box displays, showing the drives that have been
confi gured as Hotspares.
4. From the Assigned Hotspare List, select the drive you want to remove and
press <Delete>.
5. The drive selected will appear in the Assigned Hotspares List. Then, press
6. When prompted by a message, asking you to confi rm the selection, press
<Yes> to delete the hotspare drive.