Supermicro SSE-F3548S/SSE-F3548SR Configuration User’s Guide
ACL 1 Configuration
SMIS# configure terminal
SMIS(config)# mac access-list extended 1
SMIS(config-ext-macl)# deny host 00:25:90:01:01:0a host 00:25:90:01:01:0c
ACL 2 Configuration
SMIS# configure terminal
SMIS(config)# mac access-list extended 2
SMIS(config-ext-macl)# redirect fx 0/5 host 00:25:90:01:01:0c any vlan 20
IP Standard ACL
Supermicro switches support 128 IP ACLs, which includes both IP Standard and IP Extended ACLs.
Users can define IP Standard ACLs with deny, permit or redirect action rules. An IP Standard ACL can be
defined with only one rule. To implement multiple rule ACLs, configure multiple IP Standard ACLs.
There is no implied deny all rule in Supermicro switch ACLs. By default, all packets not
matching a configured ACL rule will be forwarded automatically. For any traffic to be denied,
it has to be configured with an explicit deny rule.
The permit rule is widely used for QoS applications. In some cases permit rules are useful when all traffic
is denied by a rule and a few specific hosts are to be permitted.
IP Standard ACLs allow users to configure the traffic flow with the following fields.
Source IP Address
Destination IP Address
Server A
Server B
Fx 0/10
Fx 0/1
Fx 0/5