Supermicro SSE-F3548S/SSE-F3548SR Configuration User’s Guide
The “nospanning-tree cost” command resets the spanning tree port path cost to the default
value. In MST mode, it resets the port path cost for the default MST instance 0.
The “no spanning-tree mst <instance-id>cost” command resets the spanning tree port path
cost to the default value for the given MST instance.
The examples below show various ways to configure the spanning tree port path cost.
Configure the spanning tree port path cost as 200 in RST mode on ports cx 0/1 and cx 0/2.
SMIS# configure terminal
SMIS(config)# interface range cx 0/1-2
SMIS(config-if)# spanning-tree cost 200
SMIS(config-if)# end
Configure the spanning tree port priority as 200 for the default MST instance 0 on port fx 0/1
SMIS# configure terminal
SMIS(config)# interface fx 0/1
SMIS(config-if)# spanning-tree cost 200
SMIS(config-if)# end
Configure the spanning tree port priority as 20 for the MST instance 10 on port cx 0/1
SMIS# configure terminal
SMIS(config)# interface cx 0/1
SMIS(config-if)# spanning-tree mst 10 cost20
SMIS(config-if)# end
Hello Time
The root switch sends the BPDU messages on every port periodically for every hello time interval.
The default hello time is 2 seconds.
If switches do not receive BPDU messages for a period of 3 hello time intervals, spanning tree protocol
assumes the root switch has failed.
In MSTP, the hello time is configurable on individual ports. In RSTP, the hello time is configured commonly
for all ports.
Follow the steps below to change the hello time for RSTP.