Supermicro SSE-F3548S/SSE-F3548SR Configuration User’s Guide
interface-type –
Specify the interface
typethrough which the IP authorized
manager can access the switch.
ay be
any of the following:
fx-ethernet – fx
cx-ethernet – cx
interface-id is in slot/port format for all
physical interfaces.
vlan -
Specify the vlan id through which
the IP authorized manager can access
the switch.
service –
Specify the services that can
be accessed by the authorized manager
Step 3 End
Exits the configuration mode.
Step 4 show authorized-managers
Displays the Authorized Managers
Step 5 write startup-config
Optional step – saves this configuration
to be part of startup configuration.
If IP Authorized Managers are configured in a Supermicro switch, access to the switch via
telnet, ssh, etc. is possible only by those hosts allowed to access. Other hosts will not be
permitted access.
The “no authorized-manager ip-source <ip-address> [{<subnet-mask> | / <prefix-length(1-
32)>}]” command deletes the particular authorized manager.
The example below shows the commands used to configure Authorized Managers.
SMIS# configure terminal
SMIS(config)#authorized-manager ip-source service telnet
SMIS(config)# authorized-manager ip-source service http
SMIS(config)# end
SMIS# show authorized-managers
Ip Authorized Manager Table
Ip Address:
Ip Mask: