Supermicro SSE-F3548S/SSE-F3548SR Configuration User’s Guide
The default setting is the port fast
feature disabled.
Step 4 end
Exits the configuration mode.
Step 5 show spanning-tree detail
Displays the spanning tree port fast
Step 6 write startup-config
Optional step – saves this spanning tree
configuration to be part of startup
The “no spanning-tree portfast” command resets the port fast feature to the default value
of disabled.
The example below shows how to enable the port fast feature.
Enable the port fast feature on ports cx 0/1 and cx 0/2.
SMIS# configure terminal
SMIS(config)# interface range cx 0/1-2
SMIS(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast
SMIS(config-if)# end
Auto Edge
The auto edge feature is used to detect the other end of a device attached to a port. If no BPDU is
received for a period of time on auto edge enabled ports, the switch marks them as edge ports assuming
they are not connected to other switches. This helps quickly move the port to a forwarding state. Also,
switches do not send topology change notifications when an edge port’s status changes.
The auto edge feature is enabled on all ports by default.
Follow the steps below to configure the auto edge feature on the ports.
Step Command
Step 1 configure terminal
Enters the configuration mode
Step 2 interface
interface range <interface-type><interface-id> ….
Enters the port interface mode.
interface-type – may be any of the
fx-ethernet – fx
cx-ethernet – cx
port-channel – po
interface-id is in slot/port format for all
physical interfaces. It may be the port
channel identifier for port channel