3. Whenever used with implant analogs, all
components are torqued hand-tight. Secure the
mounted secondary part to the analog with the
appropriate screw using the Straumann® SCS
4. Restoration of the Straumann® SC CARES®
Abutments: Cemented restorations. Fabricate
a cemented crown or bridge to restore the
Straumann® SC CARES® Abutments. Provision-
al restorations must always be placed out of
5. To remove the Straumann® SC CARES® Abut-
ment from the implant analog, always use the
SCS Screwdriver.
B) Use and handling of the Straumann® SC
CARES® Abutments for the clinician:
Straumann secondary parts are insert-
ed into the implant without applying cement.
Straumann® SC CARES® Abutments are inserted
and tightened using the Straumann® SCS Screw-
1. Sterilization
Straumann Abutments and components are not
sterile when delivered. Straumann recommends the
following procedure for sterilization prior to use:
Ti, Ti alloy
Autoclave (moist
134 °C (273 °F),
18 min
Parts that have been modified or altered
in any way may require a different sterilization
Straumann® SC CARES® Abutments
must not be sandblasted, ground or polished af-
ter delivery. Sand-blasting, grinding or polishing
Straumann® SC CARES® Abutments may cause
the product to fail.
2. Straumann® SC CARES® Abutments are brought
to the mouth by using tweezers.
3. Insert the abutment into the implant connec-
tion. Straumann secondary parts are inserted
into the implant without applying cement.
4. Make sure that the retentive elements of
the implant abutment connection are properly
aligned for all secondary parts as described in
the table below:
Implant type
Implant / Secondary part
BLT (Bone Level Tapered) Internal grooves
5. Secure the mounted Straumann® SC CARES®
Abutment to the implant with the appropriate
screw using the Straumann® SCS Screwdriver,
Ratchet and Torque Control Device. Apply a tight-
ening torque of 35 Ncm (see also table below).
Always ensure that surfaces of threads and screw
heads are clean and that a new screw is used for
the final restoration. lnsert the screw straight
to the implant axis (do not insert tilted). Ensure
correct handling of the torque control device.
Torques greater than 35 Ncm may result in failure
of the screw, abutment and / or implant. Torque
values less than the recommended values may
result in loosening of the abutment, which may
lead to screw, abutment and / or implant failure.
6. Use the ratchet to torque the screw until the
appropriate tightening torque is reached (refer
to the table below). For stabilization, use the
Straumann® Holding Key. Ensure the arrow of
the torque control device is pointing clockwise
(towards the torque bar with the teardrop). If it
is not, simply pull the arrow out, flip over and
push it back in. Use one hand on the holding key,
use the other hand to grasp the teardrop only of
the torque control device. Apply pressure to the
torque bar until the required torque is reached.
After reaching the indicated tightening torque,
return the torque bar to its starting position. Lift
and remove the holding key, the ratchet with
torque control device, and the driver.
Device type
Tightening torque
Abutments (permanent) 35 Ncm
Components on implant
7. Closure of the screw channel
Before cementing the crown or bridge, the screw
openings are sealed off with wax or gutta-per-
cha. This makes it possible to release the screw
again if required. Then final cementing of the
crown to the mesostructure can take place.
The screw opening must not be covered with
plastic. Ensure that no plastic gets into the in-
terior of the abutment.
Provisional cement, cement or any other mate-
rial used for attaching prosthetic components
to others must be processed as specified by the
Provisional restorations must always be placed
out of occlusion.
8. Further information
For additional information about the use of
Straumann products, please contact the Strau-
mann customer service department. The follow-
ing brochures provide additional guidance on the
use of the Straumann prosthetic components
and instruments.
User manual Straumann® CARES® Visual (Chap-
ter “Straumann® CARES® Abutments”)
Crown and bridge restorations – Straumann®
synOcta® prosthetic System
, Art. No.152.255
Basic information on the prosthetic procedures
– Straumann® Bone Level Implant Line
, Art. No.
Please note
Practitioners must have appropriate knowledge
and instruction in the handling of the Straumann
product described herein (“Straumann Product”)
for using the Straumann Product safely and prop-
erly in accordance with these instructions for use.
The Straumann Product must be used in accor-
dance with the instructions for use provided
by the manufacturer. It is the practitioner’s re-
sponsibility to use the device in accordance with
these instructions for use and to determine, if
the device fits to the individual patient situation.
The Straumann Product is part of an overall
concept and must be used only in conjunction
with the corresponding original components
and instruments distributed by Institut Strau-
mann AG, its ultimate parent company and all
affiliates or subsidiaries of such parent company
(“Straumann”), except if stated otherwise in these
instructions for use. If use of products made by
third parties is not recommended by Straumann
in these instructions for use, any such use will
void any warranty or other obligation, express or
implied, of Straumann.
9. Validity
Upon publication of these instructions for use,
all previous versions are superseded.
© Institut Straumann AG, 2015. All rights reserved.
Straumann® and / or other trademarks and lo-
gos from Straumann® mentioned herein are the
trademarks or registered trademarks of Strau-
mann Holding AG and / or its affiliates.