19 620 02 0117
Cleaning, Maintenance, Overhaul
Reconditioning the VACU-ACTOR
After each application of the device with the suction cup all reusable parts which
have been in contact with the patient need to be cleaned and disinfected.
After each application of the device with the suction cup all reusable parts which have
been in contact with the patient need to be reconditioned for further application, to
get the parts free of microorganism.
The instructions must be strictly followed to exclude damage of the parts.
Preparation of cleaning
Choose a clean, dust-free workplace, to perform the cleaning and disinfection.
Material required
Make sure that the following objects and tools for cleaning and disinfection are
– clean, soft and and lint-free cleaning tissues
– cleaning agent suitable for polycarbonate
– surface disinfectant (recommended is Meliseptol)
Disassembly of the medical device
• Pull the suction cup off the air hose.
• Disconnect the air hose from the device.
The air hose as well as the bacteria filter are disposable parts and need to be disposed.
The air hose as well as the bacteria filter may not be reused, because of the risk
of contamination of the patient and the system.
Dispose the air hose including the bacteria filter in accordance with your hygiene
• Check the suction cup for damage or leakages.
Perform cleaning and disinfection as described in the following Chapters.