Stille imagiQ2
service manual Overview
Target group
This service manual is intended for use by medical technicians with a general knowledge of
operating tables. It is not intended for use by clinical personnel.
Scope of the manual
The manual describes all checkpoints for maintenance of the table as well as other instructions
for servicing the imagiQ2 . information is provided in the form of block-, hydraulic-, electro-
nics diagrams and exploded views with associated lists of spare parts. Fault tracing is descri-
bed in a separate chapter.
Technical knowledge required of maintenance personnel
imagiQ2 is designed to give problem-free service for many years, provided that preventive
maintenance is performed at the specified intervals and in accordance with the instructions
given in this manual. To be able to perform installation and repair and maintenance correctly,
the personnel are required to have general technical training for work with medical devices, it
is beneficial to have knowledge of hydraulic systems (particularly attention to preventing the
entry of dirt or particles into the hydraulic system) and suitable knowledge of medical devices
with respect to operating tables. Knowledge of the operation of the table is also required and
can be gained by reading the user manual. Effective maintenance ensures functional reliability
and extends the service life of the table. Contact Stille AB in the event of any uncertainty or if
relevant training is required.
Technical Lifetime
This product has a technical lifetime, which by Stille AB is considered to be 10 years. At the
time of delivery the product fulfils the existing regulations and standards but as all other
electro-mechanical products, the Stille imagiQ2 table is subjected to age and wear, and even
though the product undergoes regular and prescribed service, Stille AB can not guarantee the
product’s safety after the expiry of the technical lifetime. Stille AB recommends that the pro-
duct is taken out of service after latest 10 years. By Stille AB provided spare parts and service
after the expiry of the specified technical lifetime does not mean an extension of Stille AB’s
liabilities. Note: Maximum life time for the batteries (if well maintained and charged regularly)
is 3 years. The technical lifetime for the mattress is 3 years.