Stille imagiQ2
service manual Technical
Service kits and spare parts.
The service kits contains ”all you need” to replace a speciffic set of component.
All parts in the kits can be ordered separately.
Kit number and information
The kit consists of the following parts
Top lateral cover bracket kit
The top covers and brackets set including the small torx screw
holding the covers together.
1pcs 1779-2CD713 top cover bracket
1pcs 1779-2CD731 top cover bracket mirrored
4pcs 1779-2CD732 Cover plate guide
2pcs 1779-2CD733 Lateral slide plate
1pcs 1779-2CD745 front top cover bracket
1pcs 1779-2CD746 front top cover bracket
12pcs K50154
Screw MFT M3 x 4 A4 TORX
8pcs K50155
Screw MFT M3 x 8 A4 TORX
Column cover attachment kit
The bracket set for the telescopic covers including the small
torx screw holding the covers together.
1pcs 1779-2CD720 Z cover bracket back
2pcs 1779-2CD721 Linkage arm
4pcs 1779-2CD730 lifting bar
2pcs 1779-2CD723 lifting lip
2pcs 1779-2CD735 lateral guide pin
2pcs 1779-2CD744 column glide plate
38pcs K50154
Screw MFT M3 x 4 A4 TORX
14pcs K50155
Screw MFT M3 x 8 A4 TORX
Column cover kit
The telescopic cover set including the small torx screw holding
the covers together.
2pcs 1779-2CD703 lower column cover
2pcs 1779-2CD704 middle column cover
2pcs 1779-2CD705 upper column cover
2pcs 1779-2CD734 top lateral column cover
Front cover kit
The front cover set including the small cover strip and screws
that conencts the covers
1pcs 1779-2CD701 slim front base cover
1pcs 1779-2CD725 Front cover back lid
2pcs K50154
Screw MFT M3 x 4 A4 TORX
2pcs K50155
Screw MFT M3 x 8 A4 TORX
FRU Service Kit 1
A kit of small components that can be handy to be carrying in
the servcie kit.
2pcs K50168
Fuse 250V 6,3A SB
20pcs K50154
Screw MFT M3 x 4 A4 TORX
10pcs K50155
Screw MFT M3 x 8 A4 TORX
10pcs K87221
Rubber steel washers M10
10pcs K50180
Main hydraulic O-ring 4,48x1,78