Stille imagiQ2
service manual Technical
4: FSE Name: Date:
LOTO Procedure Performed:
Please check off each step as you perform the step. Keep attached to the LOTO procedure you
Check box sign when done Procedure
Step 1: PREPARE FOR SHUTDOWN. All energy sources.
- Understand the applicable procedures. Determine associated equipment.
- Acquire protective materials (i.e. locks, tags, lock adapters).
- Access consequences of shutdown. Notify all affected persons.
Step 2: NOTIFICATON OF PERSONNEL. All energy sources.
- Personnel who may be affected shall be notified prior to the application and after the removal of
lockout devices or tagout devices.
- Personnel may include operators, technicians, engineers or area managers
Step 3: SHUTDOWN. All energy sources.
- Operator & Maintenance, together shut down equipment, in a position that allows access &
includes setting to the lowest position, blocking items that may move and relieving springs.
Step 4: ENERGY ISOLATION. All energy sources.
- Identify and shut off all energy source disconnect/shut off points.
- Vent system pressures, by opening vent valves or disconnecting lines or installing blanks.
Step 5: LOCKOUT TAGOUT. All energy sources.
- Each worker attaches individual LOTO Red Lock and filled out Red Tag on each point of dis-
connect, shut off, blank & vent. Verify that all above is complete.
Step 6: VERIFY ISOLATION. All energy sources.
- Extremely important! Do not assume the posted shutdown procedure is accurate
– Report any inaccuracies to your EHS Rep.
- Each authorized employee performing work shall verify that the equipment is fully LOTO and
that all energy is zero. This may be done by witnessing the test by an Authorized Employee with
appropriate skills.
- Zero energy tests shall include
1) The Operator and Maintenance attempt to operate the equipment by start switches, the return
switches to off position;
2) Verify meter/gauge operation;
3) Verify zero energy at disconnect and work points; and
4) Blocking, venting, grounding to protect against sticks/slip movement, leaking valves, capaci-
tors, automatic controls.
Step 7: CONTROL STORED ENERGY. All energy sources.
- Assure that all stored potentially hazardous energy has been relieved, dissipated, restrained,
drained or otherwise controlled (i.e. electrical capacitors & batteries, hydraulic accumulators &
surge tanks, mechanical springs & gravity)
Step 8: RETURN TO SERVICE. All energy sources.
- Assure the area is clear of tools, all guards are in place, operating controls are in the off position.
- Notify affected persons that energy is to be restored.
- Each worker removes their tags & locks and return these points to operational positions. Assure
the equipment is functioning properly.