Midi-wheel (option)
The midi-wheel can be adjusted in three directions, height,
horizontally and turning. All these adjustments are made by
releasing the knob (A).
Figure 11. Adjusting the midi-wheel
Stability Support System, S3-1
S3 alternative 1 (S3-1) is an electronic auxiliary and monitoring
system that improves stability and safety when loading and
Trucks fitted with the S3-1 system have the maximum speed for
driving reduced and certain hydraulic functions limited,
depending on the height of the forks above the floor, the
position of the reach carriage, and in cases where the drive
wheel is turned more than 3 degrees in either direction. If the
truck is started with the forks raised or the reach carriage
extended, an instruction is given on the truck computer display
to lower the forks or to retract the reach carriage. If this is not
done, the truck speed is limited. The speed of operation with
the second and third control levers is also reduced when the
forks are raised.
When a four-way truck is moving sideways, S3-1
does not limit the speed during a turn.
Reducing the risk of tipping sideways
A. When the driver increases speed too quickly or is driving too
fast in combination with sharp turns there is a risk of tipping.
The S3-1 system “thinks ahead” and can immediately
compensate by reducing speed and acceleration.
B. The speed is also reduced when the forks are raised and the
mast pushed out.
Improved control at top speeds
Since the truck is more difficult to steer in the direction of the
forks at high speed, the speed is reduced in this situation.
Reducing the risk of tipping over
Tipping forces are generated when loads are handled at high
heights and when the mast is pushed out and tilted, especially
in combination with the truck moving over the floor. In this
Instruction Handbook UFW — D008453, B, GBR, ForTranslation