Project Checklist
Kit Contents
Laser cut wood (12 Sheets - See inventory on following pages)
Illustrated instruction manual
1 - Vinyl Windscreen Decal
1 - Pre-bent Landing Gear (0.093 in. dia.)
1 - .047 in. dia. x 24 in. music wire (taped to back of wood brick)
1 - 1/4 in. square x 24 in. length hardwood stock (Fuselage Stiffener)
1 - 3/8 in. square x 26 in. length balsa stock (Leading Edge)
Large Hardware Bag (4 x 6 in.)
1 - 1/2 in. x 12 in. strip 2-sided velcro (Battery Safety Straps)
1 - 2 in. length 3/32 in. OD Aluminum Tubing (Stock for Lead-out Crimps)
1 - Delrin Bellcrank
1 - 3 in. x 1/8 in. O.D. Nylon Tube (Lead-out Wire Guides)
1 - 3/16 in. x 2 in. Dowel (Gear Lug)
1 - 3/16 in. Square Basswood Stick (Part W8)
Small Hardware Bag (2 x 3 in.)
1 - 4-40 Blind Nut
1 - 4-40 x 3/8 in. Pan Head Machine Screw
2 - Du-Bro RC #4 Flat Washers [DUB323]
1 - Du-Bro RC 4-40 Hex Nut [DUB561]
1 - Du-Bro RC Micro Razor Control Horn [DUB936]
1 - Du-Bro RC Micro 2 EZ-Link [DUB920]
1 - Du-Bro RC Mini E/Z Connector [DUB845]
1 - Du-Bro RC Steel Landing Gear Strap [DUB158]
1 - .024 in. x 4 ft. Stainless Steel Lead-out Wire
2 - Rubber Wheel Retainers
8 - #2 1/4 in. Screws (Motor & Landing Gear Mounts)
6 - Mini Rubber Bands (Landing Gear Retention)
RingRat 250 © 2010 Stevens AeroModel all rights reserved.
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Required Building Supplies and Tools
2 in. Dia. Wheels [DUB200SL]
1/2 oz. Medium CA Glue
1/2 oz. Thick CA Glue
1/2 oz. Thin CA Glue
CA glue accelerator (kicker)
Balsa filler
Hobby Knife with ample supply of #11 blades
Small Phillips Screwdriver
Small Hammer
Sanding block with 400 and 600 grit paper
Heat Gun and Covering Iron
Small Needle Nose Pliers
Small Round Nose Jewelers Pliers
Small Flat File.
X-ACTO Pin Vise & Drill Set [XAC7155]
ZONA 4 in 1 Saw Set [ZON35251]
Wire Cutters
Z-71 Thread Locker [PAAPT71]
3/4 in. x 4 in. length sticky back velcro
3/4 in. wide clear tape
1 Roll AeroLITE
2 - Shiny, New, Quarters (U.S. 25 Cent Coins)
Suggested Building Supplies
CA glue de-bonder
Long sanding bar
Razor Plane
Low Tack Painters Masking Tape
Design Master Aerosol Lacquer Paint
Deft Clear Spray Lacquer