Wing Construction Cont.
Trim off excess leading edge stock with a
razor saw.
Fit and bond W9a and W9b to form W9 cross
grain rib doubler.
Bond, with thick CA, rib doubler W9 to
of right and left ribs R2, adjacent to
battery tray.
Install spar webs SW1 to back side of W5
rear spars aligning top edge of web with edge
of spars and sides of web between ribs R1
and R2. Orient grain as shown by arrows on
photo. Tack glue to hold web in position.
Align remaining webs SW2 and SW3, to top
edge of W5 rear spar and in between
remaining ribs. Again, orient parts with grain
as shown by arrows on photo. Tack glue to
retain parts within wing assembly.
Hold wing assembly flat against work surface
and thoroughly bond all joints where webs
meet ribs and W5 rear spars. Bond all dry fit
parts installed to this point.
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Fit and bond parts W2a and W2b
together to form W2 leading edge
sheeting. Starting with top of wing, align
arrow in center of sheet with center rib
R1, pointing towards leading edge stock.
Bond sheet to leading edge stock only.
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