Wing Construction Cont.
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Starting in the center of the wing,
carefully bend down the sheeting and
bond to upper spar W1. Work from the
center out, one rib bay at a time.
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Bend end of W2 down to sit flush with
wing tip and bond. Note:
W2 should stop
short of wing tip profile as illustrated.
Repeat steps marked with “
” applying
instruction to complete bottom sheeting.
Center W11 over rib R1 and bond to front
spar only.
Press W11 flat against trailing edge and bond
with CA, then bond W11 to R1.
Carefully sand W11 to a smooth taper into the
trailing edge.
Tip: apply making tape to areas
you wish to protect from the sanding process.
Invert wing and remove stand off tabs. Note:
tabs on R1!
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