Fuselage Construction Cont.
Cut notch through hardwood doubler with
razor saw to match pre-cut notches in F2 (left/
right) parts. Creating a slot to receive landing
gear wire.
Further clean up and open landing gear notch
with a small file, just enough to allow landing
gear to fit snugly.
Dry fit right and left horizontal stabilizer parts
H2 to H1 and bond.
Lightly sand fuselage components, including
horizontal and vertical stabilizer, to a smooth
finish with 400 grit paper in preparation for
sealing or covering.
Seal fuselage components with clear lacquer,
dope, or cover with your color choice of high
quality, light weight, model aircraft film such
as Stevens AeroModel’s AeroLITE or
Sand a 45 degree bevel to the leading edge
of elevator in preparation for tape hinge
method (see diagram below).
Assemble Vertical fin (V) and Rudder (R).
sand a bevel trailing edge of vertical
fin to produce 3/8 in. right offset to rudder
when bonded to vertical fin (Refer to picture
below). Match rudder vertically along fin
using “SA” logo etching as a positioning guide
and bond using medium CA glue.
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