Fuselage Construction
Fit and glue Cockpit to fuselage F1.
Fit 1/4 square hardwood Fuselage Stiffener to
Fuselage F1. Tip:
For the strongest bond,
lightly sand bonding area along balsa part F1
to smooth and remove laser cutting residue.
Measure and cut to length, leaving 1/8” to
1/4” extra to be trimmed off later.
Bond Stiffener to F1 with thick CA on top of
flat work surface.
Lightly sand fuselage after
If desired, Ply parts may be covered or
painted at this time.
Dry fit two motor mount parts M1 to fuselage
doubler F2 (left). Ensure that the etching on
F2 (left) faces up. Tabs in M1 will extend
proud of backside of F2 (left) by 1/4 in.
Dry fit motor mount M2a to M1’s and F2 (left).
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