M3i.48xx / M3i.48xx-exp Manual
Visual Basic Programming Interface and Examples
Examples for Visual Basic can be found on CD in the directory /examples/basic. The directory contains the above mentioned basic header
files and a couple of universal examples, each of them working with a certain type of card. Please feel free to use these examples as a base
for your programs and to modify them in any kind.
The example implements a very simple scope program that makes single acquisitions on button pressing. A fixed setup is done inside the
example. The spcm_scope example can be used with any analog data acquisition card from Spectrum. It covers cards with 1 byte per sample
(8 bit resolution) as well as cards with 2 bytes per sample (12, 14 and 16 bit resolution)
The program shows the following steps:
• Initialization of a card and reading of card information like type, function and serial number
• Doing a simple card setup
• Performing the acquisition and waiting for the end interrupt
• Reading of data, re-scaling it and displaying waveform on screen