Software Driver Installation
(c) Spectrum GmbH
Get first driver info
After the driver has been loaded successfully some information about the installed boards can be found in the /proc/spcm_cards file. Some
basic information from the on-board EEProm is listed for every card.
Stop the driver
You may want to unload the driver and clean up all device nodes. This can be done using the script that has also been placed
in the install directory
Standard Driver Update
A driver update is done with the same commands as shown above. Please make sure that the driver has been stopped before updating it.
To stop the driver you may use the script.
Compilation of kernel driver sources (option)
The driver sources are only available for existing customers on special request and against a signed NDA. The driver sources are not part of
the standard delivery. The driver source package contains only the sources of the kernel module, not the sources of the library.
Please do the following steps for compilation and installation of the kernel driver module:
Login as root
It is necessary to have the root rights for installing a driver.
Call the compile script
This script will examine the type of system you use and compile the kernel with the correct settings. If using a kernel 2.4 the makefile expects
two symbolic links in your system:
• /usr/src/linux pointing to the correct kernel source directory
• /usr/src/linux/.config pointing to the currently used kernel configuration
The compile script will then automatically call the install script and install the just compiled kernel module in your home directory. The rest of
the installation procedure is similar as explained above.
Update of self compiled kernel driver
If the kernel driver has changed, one simply has to perform the same steps as shown above and recompile the kernel driver module. However
the kernel driver module isn’t changed very often.
Normally an update only needs new libraries. To update the libraries only you can either download the full Linux driver
(spcm_linux_drv_v123b4567) and only use the libraries out of this or one downloads the library package which is much smaller and doesn’t
contain the pre-compiled kernel driver module (spcm_linux_lib_v123b4567).
The update is done with a dedicated script which only updates the library file. this script is present in both driver archives:
Library only
The kernel driver module only contains the basic hardware functions that are necessary to access locally installed card level products. The
main part of the driver is located inside a dynamically loadable library that is delivered with the driver. This library is available in 3 different
• - supporting on 32 bit systems
• - supporting on 32 bit systems
• - supporting on 64 bit systems
The matching version is installed automatically in the /usr/lib directory by the kernel driver install script for card level products. The library
is renamed for easy access to
For digitizerNETBOXgeneratorNETBOX products and also for evaluating or using only the software simulated demo cards the library is in-
stalled with a separate install script:
cat /proc/spcm_cards