PV 2208 User Manual
Chapter 3
3-1 Introduction
The Award(tm) Setup program allows users to modify the basic ROM BIOS system
configuration. Stored in battery-backed RAM this special information retains the
Setup information while powered off.
In your computer system's ROM (Read Only Memory) is an Award BIOS™ custom
version of an industry standard BIOS. It supports all processors by Intel/Cyrix/AMD
in standard IBM-AT compatible input output Systems. Disk drives and serial ports
receive critical low-level support for standard devices from the BIOS. Your Award
BIOS™ is optimized by adding important nonstandard, features such as special
support, and for detailed fine-tuning of the chipset controlling the entire system as
well as virus and password protection. The rest of this manual is intended to guide
you through the process of configuring your system using setup.
Starting Setup
Activating your computer will automatically initiate the Award BIOS™, it will then
begin to check and configure your system by reading information in the CMOS. Once
complete, the computers' operating system will be loaded and begin to take over the
setup process. There are two different ways to begin the setup program while the
BIOS is still in control of the computer, they are both listed below:
1. You can press the <Del> key right after the system has been powered on,
2. Wait for the POST (Power on Self-Test) message to appear at the bottom
of the screen then press the <Del> key. It will read as follows: Press
DEL to enter SETUP
If while the system is powering on you miss the message, and you need to restart you
can do so by pressing the RESET button on the computers case, powering the system
off via the ON/OFF button or, pressing <Ctrl>, <Alt> and <Del> key at the same time.
If you miss the aforementioned opportunities to enter the setup an error message will
display letting you know the system did not boot, the following will appear: PRESS