Page 62 of 72 / Confidential / Version 1.1
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The “wfs.sourcesCtrl.maxpat”patch is a simple user interface to manipulate
parameters on zsonicNet manually.
It is also possible to define an automated change of parameter values with Max
MSP specific automation formats (e.g. MIDI or OSC). No additional software is
The information of azimuth and distance should be sent to the receive objects
WFSctrl-Az and WFSctrl-Dist of the “wfs.sourcesCtrl.maxpat” patch using send
objects with similar names. The messages to be sent are of the type “sourceId_n
azimuthVal_f” (ex: 1 30.) through a “send WFSctrl-Az” object and “sourceId_n
distanceVal_f” through a “send WFSctrl-Dist” object. The green panel of the
“wfs.sourcesCtrl.maxpat” patch provides examples of this kind of communication.
Figure 1.43