Page 54 of 72 / Confidential / Version 1.1
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/SetRecallPreset int (PresetNo 1-x)
Recall preset number. Warning: for stability reasons, presets cannot be recalled
more often than every 5 seconds. All attempts to recall a preset in a shorter delay
will be dropped.
e.g. /SetRecallPreset 1
/SetLevelById int int (SrcIndex 1-24, Level 0-400)
Set Input level for the given source, linear scale (100 corresponds to 0 dB, 400 to
12 dB, 0 is mute)
e.g. /SetLevelById 2 200
/SetSourceLevelDB/SrcId float (SourceIndex 1-24, Level in dB -40 … +12)
Set Input level for given source, logarithmic scale in dB
e.g. /SetSourceLevelDB/9 -6.0
/SetSourceMuteOn/SrcId (SrcIndex 1-24)
Mutes the input of the given Source
e.g. /SetSourceMuteOn/1
/SetSourceMuteOff/SrcId (SrcIndex 1-24)
Unmutes the input of the given Source
e.g. /SetSourceMuteOff/1
/SetSourceDistanceAttenuationOn/SrcId (SrcIndex 1-24)
Activates the Distance Attenuation for the given Source, so the level drops with
increasing distance.
e.g. /SetSourceDistanceAttenuationOn/21
/SetSourceDistanceAttenuationOff/SrcId (SrcIndex 1-24)
Deactivates the Distance Attenuation for the given Source
e.g. /SetSourceDistanceAttenuationOff/9
/SetSourceName/SrcId string (SrcIndex 1-24, source name as string)
Sets the Source name of the given source for display in WavePerformer
e.g. /SetSourceName/3 Trumpet
/SetSourcePosition int int int (SrcIndex 1-24, Angle 0-360, Distance 0-2000)
Set source position (angle in degrees/counterclockwise, distance in dm). This
message uses a deprecated syntax,; it is preferable to use the messages below.
e.g. /SetSourcePosition 2 122 235
High level source position messages
The following messages are source position related but offer more elaborate
interaction possibilities. Positions can be changed in either Cartesian (X, Y) or Polar
(Angle, Distance) coordinates. Moreover, the X, Y, and distance parameters could
either be described in “absolute” coordinates (in meters) or in “relative” coordinates
that automatically scale to the installation dimensions. Relative coordinates can be
manipulated between -1 and 1. For distance, 1 corresponds to the maximum
distance as defined in the WavePerformer section; -1 corresponds to a position
opposite to the reference point (same distance as relative distance 1 but with 180