© Soneco Oy.
V 23.7.2013
Staus: Contents schecked
Author: JR
8.3. Security and general settings
PIN:12345678 PIN-checking. This command
sets PIN-checking on and the value
for the PIN-code given. If the PIN has been set, the device responds to the first PIN
query with the given PIN code. The SIM card has to be set for the PIN with using
e.g. a normal mobile phone. If the PIN code is wrong or the SIM card has
experienced earlier PIN errors, a SIM error will be indicated. It is possible to
continue using the device with a SIM without PIN checking. Re-programming the
PIN is possible but there is no need to erase it.
Controls for the calling line indication. With N0 the device sends its own
number as defined by the network. With N1 the device instructs the network not to
send the calling line number and. With N2 the device asks the network to send the
calling line number.
: Voice call settings in alarm mode. Values y
apply to CC3 and
values x
apply to alarm mode call from MC3. For CC3, the following instructions
apply if there is no answer from the called numbers:
= 1 causes a text message to be sent to the X-number (see chapter 5) if there is
no reply from numbers 1 to 3.
= 1 causes a call to X-number if there is no reply from the numbers 1 to 3.
= 1 causes the user's option to select the called number to be skipped in the
calling engine. Note that with y
= 0 the user can select the number to be called (if
more then one stored) See chapter 10.1 for selecting the number. The cyclic
operation of the calling machine can be skipped with O = 0 which defines the
amount of cycles as zero.
The timing of the text message in the calling sequence. With M0 the
device sends the message upon the pressing of the button. With M1 the device
sends the message if the user has not selected a number to be called or this
selection for the calls is not in use. With M2 the device sends the message only if
there is no reply for the calls, i.e. the calling engine stops the operation or calls the
X-number. No message is sent if the parameter y
does not indicate this operation
or the basic setting does not include the sending of a text message.
Security code for management commands in standby mode. If the
code is set, access from the Service number requires each time a correct SPIN.
SPIN comprises of four (4) characters which can be upper or lower case letters,
numbers or other characters of basic ASCII. The associated commands are the
inquiries for battery status, log data and network parameters and the command to
programming mode.
Deactivation of SPIN, i.e. with the command "<<<SPIN:>>>". Note that
management commands are possible from stored telephone numbers and
Soneco's own nonpublic telephone number. Note also that the management
commands and the use require additionally, the telephone number of the device to
be known.
The options can be programmed one by one (e.g.
) or combined in to a
single command e.g., to the following example command