© Soneco Oy.
V 23.7.2013
Staus: Contents schecked
Author: JR
which sets the device to skip the manual entry to programming mode, forced power-
ON, prevents power-OFF in ready state and directs battery messages to numbers 2
and 3. Commands containing character data i.e. commands PIN, DIMSG, SPIN and
SMS, have to be send all individually,
9. Standby mode
The device enters the standby mode after start-up if the phone numbers are
available. The standby mode is indicated by GREEN blink every 2 seconds. The
device is ready for making calls and sending messages upon the pressing of the
If the network connection is lost more than very temporarily, the device gives an
audible signal and starts to blink RED. If the network connection can be restored,
the GREEN blinks return as an indication of the standby mode. The reasons for
network losses should be clarified with the network operator and, if available, with
the alarm service.
10. Making a call, sending a message, receiving a call and
responding to a calling effort
10.1. Starting of the calls and sending of the messages
Making a call will be triggered by a short press of the button. The calling engine
goes through three following three stages:
Stage 1: The user has the possibility of selecting a number of the numbers 1 to 3,
as the number to be called. The device waits for a press for 5 seconds for each
number. A press during the GREEN light blinking selects number 1. A press during
the YELLOW light blinking selects number 2 and a press during the RED light
blinking selects number 3,
Stage 2: The device makes calling efforts in a sequence to numbers 1, 2 and 3. It
can be set for how long each number is ringing and how many times the calling
cycle will be repeated.
Stage 3: If none of the numbers 1 - 3 has responded, a call (or message) is made
to X-number as has been set by the appropriate parameters.
The execution of calling effort to several numbers may take a lengthy time. It may
be useful to make the user familiar with these times and to set the indications (D-
settings) to show the the different stages.
If the calling of telephone numbers becomes delayed or interrupted for the network
reasons, the YELLOW blinks rapidly during the delay. The efforts to call continue
after the delay. If the delay does not disappear, the device gives three audible
signals and RED blinks. If the reason for failed transmission is lost network
connection, the device enters LIMITED state. Wait until the device returns to
standby mode and re-start the calling by pressing the button.