dsp - broadcast digital processor
The output level of the AGC is located in 9.3 dB, whereas the
density EQ reaches -1.6 dB in the band M1 the highest
adjustment between the 15 presets.
Since the gains of the AGC and density EQ are high; the
applied compression is something soft, that is to say, fast
attack times and slow recovery times. In this way the signal is
more compressed. It is denominated “soft” because when a
compressor acts, for example M1 on a guitar, the compressor
reacts immediately, to have a fast attack, and maintains with its
gain reduction (slow recovery), containing the successive
attacks of the guitar, that are not affected by the attack
because the compressor still did not recover.
Obviously, the dynamic range perceived in this type of
adjustment is lost almost completely, basically due to the
The combination of a hard compression with high gains will
cause a heavy processed sound, which will sound rough on the
air with certain type of music.
This adjustment specially is designed for locution. When
562dsp is connected to the console using MICstart; opening
the microphones 562dsp changes its program to process the
voices with a special adjustment.
must recover fast to compensate, for example, a
telephone communication that arrives with low level. The hold
threshold must be relatively low, around 17 dB, to avoid that
the AGC “is hooked” and, in this way, to obtain that it reacts
quickly before any difference of level between different voices.
Remember that the objective is that the voices always sound
on the air with the same level. The attack of the AGC also must
be fast, to make level abrupt changes of level that can take
place by shouts (discussions) or outbursts of laughter.
The speed of attack of the compressors must be fast, to
contain great impulses that take place in the beginnings of
phrases, when the compressors begin to work. If the attack
times are long, can take place excessive processing and trim
of the signal in certain entrances of the speaker; in other
words, the speaker will sound “saturated” or “dirty” during a
brief moment when he begins to speak.
On the recovery times there is more freedom, reason why they
will be fit according to the type of voices of the radio. Like
general rule, remembers that long recovery times produce “a
smooth” processing, whereas with short times the loudness is
increased but the processing becomes more “heavy” (greater
Respect to the gains,
the voices do not tolerate high
multiband compression
, so if for music a strong” adjustment
is used “, for the voice the AGC output level will have to be
located around 5 dB. An excessive processing will sound
disagreeable to the ear.
“Voice Impact” adds SRS TruBass
processing, but with low
level of mix (1.3 dB). It boosts the lowest frequencies of the
voice, which gives “weight” and makes “strong”.
When creates your own adjustment for the voices,
considers that the equalizing does not have to be radically
different to the used for music. That is to say, the voice
impact program MUST BE CUSTOMIZED maintaining the
equalization used for the music.
Default programs cannot be edited
. To make a
customized program, start looking for that preset
that more approaches to the sound that you want
for the radio; and copy it to a user memory. Now
you can change the values in the user memory.
To copy a program proceeds as following:
At the main menu enter to the option COPY PGM.
A screen will appear to define:
Source program (From):
Number (name) of the program
that you want to copy. To select this option turns the JOG
(observes the arrow) and touch it briefly to confirm. Soon
turns the JOG again to explore the programs, and touch
briefly to confirm.
Destiny program (To):
Number (name) of destiny
program. To change it proceed like in the previous step.
In order to confirm the action, turn the JOG to
select “Copy” and touch it briefly. The processor
remains in the present program. In order to load
the copied program you needs select it from the
main screen.
Once a user program is overwritten, is not
possible to recover it. Default presets cannot
be changed by any error of use.
From this option you accede to the heart of the
processor. You can edit the processing values for
user’s program. Selecting this option you enter to
the program edition screen, described next.
To people who do not have time to fit and to hear carefully
the Radio, throughout several days, we recommend to use
some of the 15 default presets. Only sound technicians
with great patience will have to try to make their own
adjustments. Its patience will be compensated surely by a
customized sound different from the sound of other radio
Please read carefully the description of each adjustments
made by Solidyne. Take it the time to listen to each
program and how each control affects to the sound on the
air. Once you knows clearly “so that” of each adjustment,
comes to make your customized adjustment. This way will
be easy for you to obtain that sound that you have in mind.
Summary of Contents for 562dsp
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