Issue 11
© Solarflare Communications 2014
Solarflare Server Adapter
User Guide
from the screen in step 10. A warning is displayed regarding the removal of all
partitions. As the assumption is made that this is a clean install, click
If the drive(s) used for installation is displaying the correct device for the iSCSI LUN you configured,
proceed with the rest of the installation. If the device configuration displayed is incorrect, check your
Following the server reboot, check that the iSCSI disk is in an appropriate place in the BIOS boot
order. It may be displayed as 'Solarflare Boot Manager' or as 'Hard drive C:', as there is no physical
hard disk in the system.
If you don’t see either of the above options, check the messages output from the Solarflare Boot
ROM the boot process for DHCP or iSCSI login failures indicating a Boot ROM or DHCP configuration