Issue 11
© Solarflare Communications 2014
Solarflare Server Adapter
User Guide
Sfteam: Examples
• Create
with adapter ID 1 and adapter ID 2:
sfteam /Create /Adapter 1 /Adapter 2 /Name Team_A
Sample output:
• Create a VLAN to adapter #2 with VLAN tag 4 and priority traffic handling enabled:
sfteam /Create /Adapter 2 /Vlan 4,P
Display adapter and link-aggregation statistics
Display detailed configuration statistics
Solarflare teaming configuration utility [v4.1.4]
Copyright Solarflare Communications 2006-2014 Level 5 Networks 2002-2005
Creating team done (new id=2F)
Setting team name "Team_A" ... done
Adding adapter 1 ... done
Adding adapter 2 ... done
Creating network interface
- Using DHCP
- Waiting for the new VLAN device ..
- Waiting for the new LAN interface
- Waiting for access to the IP stack
- Using DHCP done
Table 48: Sfteam Options