novaPDF v7 User Manual
Copyright © 2011 Softland
compression is used.
Monochrome Images
Enable compression
If checked monochrome images will be compressed.
Monochrome images will be compressed using ZIP compression.
Available compression levels are: Fastest, Normal and Maximum. By default, Normal level of
compression is used. Downsampling
Options on this window are used to configure downsampling for monochrome images, indexed
images and high color images.
The dialog can be opened by pressing the Configure button from the Graphics window in
Printing Preferences.
Enable downsampling
If checked monochrome, indexed or high color images will be downsampled. That means the
images will be added in the PDF file at a different resolution then the one from the original
document. Usually, this feature is used to save images at a lower resolution, resulting smaller PDF
The image resolution can be selected between 72 dpi and 2400 dpi. By default the resolution is
Available downsampling methods are: Box, Bilinear, B-Spline, Bicubic, Catmull-Rom, Lanczos. By
default, the Bicubic downsampling method is used to downsample images to the selected
resolution. Conversion
Options on this window are used to configure color conversion for text and graphics, indexed
images and high color images.
The dialog can be opened by pressing the Configure button from the Graphics window in
Printing Preferences.