TM4400013 E-
1-0 General
Depending on model, one of two antenna types and a variety of different coaxial cable types and lengths are
typically supplied with every TRAK Time and Frequency Systems (TFS) GPS system. Each type antenna
requires a different assembly and mounting procedure. The antenna cable type and length depend on the
distance between the antenna and the GPS receiver to maintain optimal gain. Before the antenna is assembled
and installed, important considerations of personal safety, antenna location, coaxial cable length / type, and
lightning protection are required. Suggestions are outlined in the following paragraphs.
1-1 Personal
Personal safety is a common sense consideration. Do not attempt to install antenna during rain, lightning, or
high winds. Stay clear of power lines and other dangerous objects.
Antenna Site Selection
The antenna should be mounted in a location that has an unobstructed view of the sky. A hemispheric view 5-
degree above the horizon is ideal. Roof mounting or mounting on the cable bridge between antenna tower and
equipment shelter is usually acceptable. Height is not important, a clear view of the sky is. In northern areas
subject to high degrees of snow and ice, do not mount near high structures where falling ice can damage the
Another consideration is to stay as far as possible from other microwave antennas or other sources of RF
radiation that could affect reception of the GPS signal and away from lightning rods.
Coaxial Cable Selection
Coaxial cable type and length is very important to maintain the antenna system gain within the limits of the GPS
receiver. Therefore, the gain of the antenna, cables, in-line amplifiers, and splitters must be accurately
calculated for the system to operate within these limits. Section 2 provides attenuation of different coaxial cables
that TRAK provides so end-users can calculate the external gain if cables are altered or not purchased from
1-4 Lightning
Surge suppressors are not supplied as standard with antennas and coaxial cables. These must be ordered as
options. Option L60 is used with the 12 volt antenna (TNC connectors) and Option L60N is used with the 5 volt
antenna (N connectors).
The surge suppressor should be installed at the point where the coaxial cable enters the building or equipment
shelter. It is imperative that the surge suppressor ground lug be connected to a good low impedance earth
ground. Some installations require the outer conductor of the coaxial cable also be connected to a low
impedance earth ground. Andrew ¼ inch Superflex coaxial cable with an Andrew ground strap (Option L61) is
ideal for this requirement.