Minor Alarms
Primary GPS Reference Module failure and operation is switched over to backup GPS Reference Module.
Module failure includes any of the following: Loss of 1 PPS, 5 MPPS, Composite, 10 MHz IRIG B outputs, or
Rubidium oscillator unlocked. Antenna failure and time out set by remote STI command is exceeded. GPS
receiver unlocked and time out set by remote STI command is exceeded. Oscillator calibration required.
Backup GPS Reference module failure and system is operating from Primary GPS Reference. Module
failure includes any of the following: Loss of 1 PPS, 5 MPPS, Composite, and IRIG B outputs. Rubidium
oscillator unlocked. Antenna failure and time out set by remote STI command is exceeded. GPS receiver
unlocked and time out set by remote STI command is exceeded. Oscillator calibration required.
Power Supply failure, if system contains dual power supplies and the second power supply is operational.
Major Alarms
Primary and backup GPS Reference Module failure. Module failures include any of the following: Loss of 1
PPS, 5 MPPS, Composite, and IRIG B outputs. Rubidium oscillator unlocked. Antenna failure and time out
set by remote STI command is exceeded. GPS receiver unlocked and time out set by remote STI command
is exceeded.
Double failure of both GPS Reference modules. In this condition the standby GPS Reference module (B) is
placed on line. The FSU SELECT switch may be used to manually select either A, the primary or B, the
Primary and backup Power Supply failure
Distribution Module failure