Sunny Island
Installation & Operating Instructions
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SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
Parameter Default Description
slave 2
single-phase parallel peroration with three de-
vices with one single battery pack, device is
slave 3
3Phs_Mstr1Set: three-phase operation, device is master (L1)
three-phase operation, device is slave (L2)
three-phase operation, device is slave (L3)
No generator present in island grid
Grid forming:
Generator forms the grid
Sunny Island is operated on public utility grid
Sunny Island is operated together with the
Ecopower CHP and on the public utility grid
Sunny Island is operated solely together with
the Ecopower CHP
Mains form
Sunny Island is operated together with a grid-
forming generator and on the public utility grid
fast Grid form
Generator is grid-forming and it is switched be-
tween the generator and the Sunny Island with-
out interruption (special installation measures
are necessary for this)
fast Mains
The Sunny Island is operated on the public util-
ity grid and it is possible to switch from the
Sunny Island as grid-former to the public utility
grid without interruption. (special installation
measures are necessary for this)
fast Mains form The Sunny Island is operated together with a
grid-forming generator and on the public utility
grid. Switching takes place without interruption
(special installation measure are necessary for
603_GenSet Inte None
0: None:
No generator start via Sunny Island
1: Type 1:
Autostart, relays K1+K2
2: Type 2:
3 contacts Run / Start, relays K1, K2, K5
3: Type 3:
3 contacts Start / Stop, relays K1, K2, K5
4: EcoPower
Ecopower CHP
(see also chapter 16 “Starting phase sequence of different
generator types”)
Table 6.1: Parameters to be entered for configuration via “New System“
Lead-acid batteries with a liquid electrolyte are also called non VARLA
while batteries labeled VARLA (VAlve Regulated Lead Acid) or mainte-
nance-free are normally gel or fleece batteries.