770-300M Issue E
Page 23
Reviewing the Sample Data
On completion of the sample the stored data can be reviewed on the Split2 monitor screen.
On the main menu screen press the up and down keys
to highlight the Review Data menu item. Press enter to
display the Review Data menu screen.
Review Data
Special Functions
Press the up and down keys to highlight the Statistics
menu item and press enter.
Note: If no data locations have previously been reviewed
this screen is not displayed and the Tag Select screen
is displayed instead (see below).
The Tag Select Menu screen will be displayed. The
screen will indicate the data location that was previously
reviewed. To view the previously reviewed data press
the up and down keys to highlight the Review Tag XXX
option and press enter.
Note: If there is data only in location 001 then the Tag
Select Menu screen is not displayed.
Review Tag 004
New Tag
To review a different data location use the up and down
keys to highlight the New Tag menu item and press
Review Tag 004
New Tag
The Tag Select screen is displayed. This is the location
tag of the data to be reviewed. The range listing
indicates the range of data location tags that have data
recorded in them.
Range: 001 thru 005
Tag: ▴00
Press the up and down keys to enter the first digit
of the required location tag and press the enter key.
Repeat the process to enter the remaining two digits
of the required location tag.
Range: 001 thru 005
Tag: 00▹
The first Statistics screen will be displayed. This screen
identifies the data location tag number being reviewed
and the date and start and stop times of the sample.
Press the down key to display the next Statistics screen
or press enter to return to the main menu screen.
Tag: 005 STATS
Date: MON 03-APR-17
Start: 08:26:15
Stop: 12:27:43
The next Statistics screen indicates the highest
recorded dust concentration and the date and time it
occurred. It also indicates which fraction was sampled
- I for inhabable, R for respirable. Press the down key
to display the next Statistics screen or press enter to
return to the main menu screen.
Date: MON 03-APR-17
Time: 11:17:49
Conc: I 157.61 mg/m