Page 18
770-300M Issue E
5) Set the Alarm Concentration Level
An audible alarm can be set to alert the worker that the dust concentration level is approaching
a threshold limit. As a starting point it is recommended to set the alarm concentration level to
80% of the WEL (Worker Exposure Limit) for the particulate type being sampled.
To set the alarm concentration level, on the main
menu screen press the up and down keys to highlight
the Special Functions menu item and press enter to
show the new screen.
Review Data
Special Functions
On the Special Options menu screen press the up and
down keys to highlight the Set Alarm menu item.
System Options
Set Alarm
Press the enter key to select the menu option and the
Set Alarm screen will be displayed.
Conc: ▴00.00 mg/m
Use the up and down keys to adjust the value of the
digit highlighted by the underlined cursor.
Conc: ▵00.00 mg/m
Press the enter key to enter the selected digit value
and the next digit is highlighted by the underlined
cursor. Use the up, down and enter keys to enter the
required alarm concentration.
Conc: 120.0▴ mg/m
On pressing the enter key after adjusting the value of
the last digit of the alarm concentration the setting is
saved and the main menu screen is displayed.
Review Data
Special Functions
6) Perform an Auto-Zero
The auto-zero function sets the measurement baseline of the Split2 monitor to zero mg/m³
and should be performed prior to beginning a new set of measurements. The battery should
be fully charged and the unit switched on for at least 10 minutes prior to performing the auto-
If performing respirable sampling in Passive mode ensure that the auto-zero is performed in
a clean, dust free environment as in this mode the auto-zero is performed without using the
zeroing accessory.
If performing sampling in Active mode insert the zeroing accessory supplied with the Split2
monitor into the IOM inlet on the sensor head and ensure the air sample pump is running.
Setup of the Split2 Monitor for Sampling