MX575A/B DGPS Compass
- Recommended Minimum Specific GPS Data
Time, date, position, course and speed data provided by a GPS navigation
receiver. This sentence is transmitted at intervals not exceeding 2 seconds. All
data fields must be provided: null fields used only when data is temporarily
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Notes: 1 ---- UTC of Position fix
2 ---- Status: A = data valid
V = Navigation receiver warning
3,4 -- Latitude, N/S
5,6 -- Longitude, E/W
7 ---- Speed over ground, knots
8 ------ Course Over Ground, True
9 ------ Date: dd/mm/yy
10,11 - Magnetic variation, degrees E/W. Easterly variation (E)
subtracts from True course, Westerly variation (W) add
to True course.
– Rate Of Turn
Rate of turn and direction of turn.
1 2
Note: 1 – Rate of turn, degrees/minute, “-“ = bow turns to port
2 – Status (A = Data valid, V = Data invalid)
- Range Residuals and Estimated Position E
The RRE message contains the satellite range residuals and estimated
position error.
$GPRRE,n,ii,rr…ii,rr,hhh.h,vvv.v *hh<CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5
Notes: 1 ---- Number of satellites used in position computation
2,3 - Satellite number, Range residual in meters
4 ---- Horizontal position error estimate in meters
5 ---- Vertical position error estimate in meters