MX575A/B DGPS Compass
7 - Standard deviation of longitude error (meters)
8 - Standard deviation of altitude error (meters)
- GPS Satellite in View
Number of satellites (SV) in view, PRN numbers, elevation, azimuth and SNR
values. Four satellites maximum per transmission, additional satellite data sent in
second or third message. Total number of messages being transmitted and the
number of the message transmitted are indicated in the first two fields.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Notes: 1 ------Total number of messages, 1 to 3
2 ----- Message number, 1 to 3
3 ----- Total number of satellites in view
4 ----- Satellite PRN number
5 ----- Elevation, degrees, 90 degrees maximum
6 ------Azimuth, degrees True, 000 to 359
7 ------SNR (C/No) 00-99 dB, null when not tracking
8 ------2nd and 3rd SV
9,10,11,12 - 4th SV
– Heading, True
Actual vessel heading in degrees (True) produced by any device or system
producing true heading.
1 2
Note: 1 – Heading
2 – Degrees True