Adding SIMMs to the IRIS Indigo Workstation
Installing the SIMMs in an IRIS Indigo R3000 Workstation
To install the SIMMs in IRIS Indigo R3000, remove the SIMMs from the anti-static bag
and follow these steps:
Install the first SIMM.
Orient the CPU board, as shown in Figure 3-5.
The SIMMs have many small chips on one side, with one large chip on the other
Using both hands, grasp the top of the SIMM so the side with the small chips
faces you, as shown in Figure 3-6.
Do not touch the gold edge of the SIMM.
Figure 3-6
Orienting Yourself to the IRIS Indigo R3000 SIMM
Put the gold edge of the SIMM into one of the sockets.
This side faces
the rest of the board.
This side faces you.