To start up the system by turning on the workstation and monitor; the system is fully
booted when you see the
console login:
prompt or the login screen.
On a mouse, a button is a switch that you press with a finger. In a window on your screen,
a button is a labelled rectangle that you click using the cursor and mouse.
CD-ROM disc (CD)
A flat metallic disk that contains information that you can view and copy onto your own
hard disk; you cannot change or add to its information. CD-ROM is short for
compact-disc: read-only memory.
CPU board
The printed circuit board within your workstation chassis that contains the central
processing unit(s). When you open the front metal panel of the Indigo chassis, it is the
board on the left.
card guides
Narrow metal tracks at the top and bottom of the chassis into which you slide printed
circuit boards.
centralized network
A network where a central server controls services and information; the server is
maintained by one or more individuals called network administrators. On a centralized
network that uses NIS, this server is called the NIS master, and all other systems on the
network are called NIS clients. See also network administrator, NIS, NIS client, NIS
domain, and NIS master.
To press the left mouse button to bring up a pop-up menu, move the cursor to highlight
the command that you want to run, then release the button.
To hold the mouse still, then press and immediately release a mouse button.
configuration file
A system file that you change to customize the way your system behaves. Such files are
sometimes referred to as customization files.