Chapter 2: Getting Started
Shutting Down and Turning Off IRIS Indigo
To shut down the operating system software, follow these steps:
Choose “System Shutdown” from the System menu in the toolchest. The Toolchest
is shown in Figure 2-26.
2. Place the cursor over the word “System” in the toolchest in the upper left corner of
your screen, as shown in Figure 2-26.
Press the left or right mouse button so that you see the menu.
Place the cursor over the words “System Shutdown” and click the mouse
After a few seconds you see the notifier in Figure 2-27.
Figure 2-27
Okay to Power Off Notifier
3. If you wish to shut down and restart the system without powering off, click the
Restart button.
Figure 2-26
The Toolchests