Recovering From a System Crash
If you don’t have a CD-ROM drive, you can use a drive that is connected to another
system on the network. At the System Recovery menu, click the Remote Directory
icon. When a notifier appears asking you for the remote hostname, type the
system’s name, a colon (:), and the full pathname of the CD-ROM drive, followed by
For example, to access a CD-ROM drive on the system mars, you would
4. Insert the IRIX CD that came with your system, then click Continue.
The CD-ROM drive begins reading information from the CD. The system takes
approximately 5 minutes to copy the information that it needs from the CD.
5. After everything is copied from the CD to the system disk, you can restore your data
from a recent full backup tape. The backup must be one that has been made using
the System Manager backup tool, or with the /usr/sbin/Backup script.
Note that if you need to check something on your system or do anything special,
you can get a shell prompt by typing
at most question prompts.
You see the following messages.
6. If you have a local tape device, you see this message:
Restore will be from <tapename> OK? ([Y]es, [N]o): [Y]
where <tapename> is the name of the local tape device.