TP17 / TPM
Commissioning and operation
Technical changes reserved
- 17 -
Dry block calibrator
TP17 200 TP17 165 TP17 166 TP17 450 TP17 650 TPM 165 TPM 225 TPM 255
Dry block
Adapter sleeves with single or multiple holes are used for the calibration of straight
temperature sensors.
To achieve the specified accuracy of the calibrators (
§ 10.1…10.4) the
temperature sensor (test specimen) and the adapter sleeve must be matched to
one another:
The borehole of the adapter sleeve may be a maximum of 0.5 mm larger than
the diameter of the test specimen.
The measurement element of the test specimen must be located in the
homogeneous temperature zone of the adapter sleeve.
Please also note the "Details of the DKD technical committee "Temperature
and Humidity" for the operation of temperature block calibrators" (
§ 11).
The appropriate adapter sleeve is inserted
into the metal block with the aid of the
sleeve exchange tool.
Removing and cleaning:
Let the calibrator cool before you remove
the adapter sleeve.
Pull the adapter sleeve out of the metal
block with the help of the sleeve exchange
Clean the adapter sleeve and the metal
This prevents the adapter sleeve from getting stuck in the metal block.
Adapter sleeves and sleeve exchange tool